A Digital Signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a original documents, message or software. A Digital Signature is intended to solve the problem of tampering and impersonation in digital communication. Class 3, DGFT, Document Signing DSC are used in India.
Class 3 DSC Individual
Usage includes Income Tax Return filings, EPFO, PF, GST, TDS, ROC, MCA etc.
Class 3 DSC Organization (ORG COMBO)
Usage includes tenders, Government Sites, Banks, electronic submissions of tenders, online trading, etc.
DGFT is only used in Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) Import & Export portal
Document Signer (PFX Based Signature)
Signature is issued in the name of Company – Used for bulk signing of invoices, Claims, Agreements, GST, Contract notes , offer letters, online verifications of PAN by authorized entities such as banks, insurance companies, departments of commercial taxes etc. UIDAI Aadhar online KYC verification by ASA/KSA and AUA/KUAs.